Knowing that once you’ve accepted Christ as your savior, you gonna have everlasting life and that belief is pretty much the one thing that is real” – Hulk Hogan.
“To all my little Hulkamaniacs, say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong.” – Hulk Hogan

Hall of fame semi-professional wrestler and TV personality, Hulk Hogan talks about his new connection with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Terry Bollea, popularly know as Hulk Hogan is an American retired professional wrestler. He is regarded by many as one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time and its great to see how open he is about his faith in Jesus Christ.
In the interview video below, Hulk Hogan states that eternal treasures are much more important than anything else. “The only thing that is really real is the stuff that’s gonna last forever – your faith and belief in God,” he says.
“Knowing that once you’ve accepted Christ as your savior, you gonna have everlasting life and that belief is pretty much the only thing that is real” he said.
Hearing a statement like this from a man who has known worldwide acclaim is encouraging. Especially as many people who are in the limelight often forget to acknowledge God and His goodness. But what Hulk Hogan proves is that if Christ is in you, you can’t stop sharing His love and grace.
Indeed, Jesus Christ alone can give us the satisfaction we need. His gift of eternal life is the most wonderful gift anyone could ever receive.
“All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away,” Jesus said – John 6:37 source:believersPortal