Lynette Hagin’s Kindle the Flame®Women’s Conferencewas nothing short of spectacular! Women from around the world gathered for the ultimate weekend getaway on the Rhema USA campus. It was an incredible time of ministry, fellowship, and fun!
Lynette kicked off the conference by sharing the secret to navigating life without giving in to stress but living in the reality that we have the mind of Christ. She instructed the ladies to clear their minds of negative, stressful thoughts and fill them with the Word of God. Lynette led them in a powerful confession followed by everyone emptying confetti sticks as a way to demonstrate what was taught.
Denise Hagin Burns encouraged the ladies to hold on to Jesus as a secure anchor for their souls during times of chaos and distress. Each guest speaker ministered powerfully, imparting freedom, healing, and joy to those in attendance.
The three-day conference ended with the Candlelight, Prayer & Praise service. The women left with restored souls, renewed minds, and transformed lives.
Next year is the 20th anniversary of Kindle the Flame! Make plans now to attend, September 24-26. You don’t want to miss it!
Speaker Highlights
“Philippians 2:5 (NKJV) says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Our spirit has access to God’s Spirit to think the thoughts He thinks.” —Lynette Hagin
“The next time you are in a storm or have a need, think back to a situation when God answered your prayer. Hold on to those moments as an anchor for your soul.” —Denise Hagin Burns
“You are the light of your world. When you walk into a room, light should come in with you. You are to hinder the works of darkness.” —Patsy Cameneti
“In moments of uncertainty, we can trust that God has us in the palm of His hand.” —Christie Graham
“When we let things go, truth has the freedom to do what it was meant to do. And that is to set us free.” —ReJeanna Jolliff
“How’s your soul? Is it intact? Undealt with issues will cause things to stick to your soul! God wants His women whole—spirit, soul, and body!” —Brenda Thomas