My ancestors were Igbos… I eat fufu, jollof rice in Nigeria – TD Jakes
Thomas D. Jakes, bishop of Potter’s House, a megachurch in the United States, has recounted how he traced his roots...
Thomas D. Jakes, bishop of Potter’s House, a megachurch in the United States, has recounted how he traced his roots...
About the Album Pastor Mary Odiba is here with a new ALBUM which she titled BLESSED BE THE LORD. BLESSED...
Isaac Adakole (Kolency) is out with this brand new worship titled More Than All.This spirit-filled song will uplift your spirit...
Yana Sona is a Hausa word meaning 'He loves me' Hausa is a dialect in Nigeria. This song talks about...
Yahweh You Reign is a worship song which declares the reign of God as the ruler from above. In a...
The popular author and Christian teacher was known for his work through Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), which focused on...
The Heavens and the Earth is ruled over by Yahweh, the greatest of all monarchs. His Lordship spans from the...
Some Quotes by Reinhard Bonnke: 1. It is a tragedy when the church saves money instead of saving souls. We...
This is to announce the passing unto glory of God's own general, Evangelist Reinhard Bonke who passed on to glory...
Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. Your little efforts are contributions to a bigger result. Together, we will...
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